when do you need to x-ray

Do we always need an X-ray whenever we had a fall?
Do we always require an X-ray whenever we injured ourselves?
The answer is NO……. BUT!!!
If you have severe pain, swelling of injured area, loss of movement of injured area, an X-ray might help you to rule out the possibility of a broken bone a.k.a fracture.
Most of the public choose to go for traditional practitioner before even doing an X-ray. The treatment given by traditional practitioner might worsen the broken bone and also delay golden time frame for surgery, if needed. Moreover, if you are insured and wish to claim back all your medical fees, there are certain period of time in which if you delay your treatment and you won’t be able to claim back your medical fees.
If you have the symptom mentioned above, we advise you to have an X-ray to rule out the possibility of fracture and then you might proceed with the choice of treatment you prefer.